Ace the Kentucky Security Guard Challenge 2024 – Suit Up and Secure Your Success!

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Question: 1 / 50

A security guard can refuse the right to work based on what following belief?

Any machine, equipment or tool that the guard/worker is using or is told to use is likely to endanger himself or herself or another guard/worker

The physical condition of the workplace or workstation is likely to endanger himself or herself or another guard/worker

Any machine, equipment or tool that the worker is using, or the physical condition of the workplace, contravenes the Act or regulations and is likely to endanger himself or herself or another guard/worker

All of the above

A This option only mentions the guard or worker being at risk, but not necessarily endangering someone else. B: This option only mentions the physical condition of the workplace and not the equipment. C: This option combines both A and B, but does not mention being TOLD to use a machine or equipment, and only mentions the physical condition of the workplace, not the equipment or tools. D: This is the correct answer as it covers all aspects stated in options A, B, and C. The security guard can refuse the right to work if any machine, equipment, or tool they are using or told to use is likely to endanger themselves or another guard/worker, and if the physical condition of the workplace or workstation is likely to endanger themselves or another guard/worker.


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